Take a moment to play.
Notice how your eyes feel.
… check out how your eyebrows feel,
… your forehead,
… the inner corner of the eyes,
… the outer corners of the eyes,
… your cheeks.
Smile ….. notice any change in and around your eyes.
Pretend you are angry ….. notice a change in and around your eyes.
Think of someone or something you love ….. notice any change in and around your eyes.
Recall something that worries you ….. notice any change in and around your eyes.
Qigong can be translated as the Practice of Living in Awareness.
As you move throughout this day become more aware of your eyes, how they feel and how you use them.
You may choose to change how you use your eyes sometimes! – or not!
You may choose to nourish your eyes more often (see Blog below if you need more information)